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Lockdown Rolo Cookie Buns

Lockdown Cookie Rolo Buns baked by my daughter.

ImageThey were fantastic! :)

Really easy to make and ideal for those with a sweet tooth and not worried about diet, weight or going into hyperglycaemic shock


250g plain flour
125g butter
1 egg
100g sugar (I think we used ordinary granulated sugar)
5g baking powder
100g chocolate chips (we cut up a Bourneville bar into small peices)
2 packs of Rolos.


1. Put flour, egg, sugar, butter and baking powder powder into a mixing bowl and mix well into a dough. It is best to do this step using your hands as you can rub the flour into the butter to mix well.
I have not took a photo of this step because as you can imagine my
fingers were as greasy as a teenager's face and I didn't want to gunk my phone up. Also, we used a shoebox to do the mixing as all the mixing bowls were in the dishwasher.

2. Once you have a nice dough, add the chocolate chips and mix well. It should look and smell fantastic.
You have just made a basic cookie dough. Well done.

3. Take off about a third of the dough and leave to the side. This will be used to make the lids.

4. Roll out the bigger amount of dough on a lightly floured kitchen top, floor, table or anywhere flat with a rolling pin or one of your empty wine bottles if you don't have a rolling pin. Get a nice thickness as if you were making mince pies.
5. Using a cookie cutter, cut out a circle and place them in paper bun thingies. Cake wrappers? The name has escaped me. They should then go in a bun tray.
We originally put the cookie dough straight into a metal bun tray but transferred each to a paper bun case before baking.
6. Place 2-3 Rolos in each cookie dough case. Yes, you're making little pies using cookie dough as the pastry! How fantastic is that?!? :) 

7. Roll out the dough you put to the side and using your cookie cutter cut out lids for the "pies". These are like REAL pies, with a pastry bottom instead of a disappointing pie you order from a pub which consists of only a filling and pastry lid set in some kind of ceramic pot.


8. Bake in the top of an oven at gas mark 3 (325°F, 150 fan apparently) for 20 minutes.
They should come out like the top picture. You can test by using a cake skewer, a potato skewer or something else if you really want to. Don't use your finger or tongue, that would be silly.

9. Serve with ice cream and strawberries while still warm. Heaven! :)
I didn't show a photo of the insides as I wasn't making an advert or a guide, instead I just stuffed my fat greedy face.

Then had another one.




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