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Showing posts from May, 2020

Lockdown Rolo Cookie Buns

Lockdown Cookie Rolo Buns baked by my daughter. They were fantastic! :) Really easy to make and ideal for those with a sweet tooth and not worried about diet, weight or going into hyperglycaemic shock INGREDIENTS (makes 7) 250g plain flour 125g butter 1 egg 100g sugar (I think we used ordinary granulated sugar) 5g baking powder 100g chocolate chips (we cut up a Bourneville bar into small peices) 2 packs of Rolos. METHOD 1. Put flour, egg, sugar, butter and baking powder powder into a mixing bowl and mix well into a dough. It is best to do this step using your hands as you can rub the flour into the butter to mix well. I have not took a photo of this step because as you can imagine my fingers were as greasy as a teenager's face and I didn't want to gunk my phone up. Also, we used a shoebox to do the mixing as all the mixing bowls were in the dishwasher. 2. Once you have a nice dough, add the chocolate chips and mix well. ...

Published Article in 2600 Magazine: We Will Rock You

We Will Rock You gerbilByte Hello peeps! It’s me again, you friendly neighbourhood gerbil. You may remember be from articles such as “ Take Your Work Home After Work ” which appeared in the Winter 2014 issue of 2600 Magazine, and “ My Voice Is My Key ” which appeared in the Autumn 2015 issue of the awesome 2600 magazine. If you haven’t read them, buy the back copies and read them NOW! :) I haven’t written in a long long time because I have been so so busy, so thought I’d say hi by submitting a little snippet of something very useful. Let’s talk about wordlists. What is a wordlist? Well, a wordlist, as it says on a tin, is a file which is made up of a shit-load of words. The Kali operating system has a few wordlists which can be found at /usr/share/wordlists. Now, here is a massive file called rockyou.txt. It’s HUGE!!! This is a bit of a default file for people to use as it contains absouletly mill...