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Showing posts from June, 2017

Gain the PIN to ANY bank card

Gain the PIN of ANY debit card. ***DISCLAIMER : I AM NOT HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE, EMBARRASSMENT OR TIME WASTED FROM FOLLOWING OUT ANY OF THE TECHNIQUES DESCRIBED IN THIS ARTICLE*** Some people know me, other people don't. In a nutshell I am one of those cyber security types, not the type that will find vulerabilities, exploit them then brag about them, but one who will find vulerabilities, then report on them and not brag. After all, I am a penetration tester, it is what I do for a job. But sometime I may stumble upon a security flaw that I think should be reported to the public, to keep the reader safe and, well, alive. Enjoy the read! gerbil (follow me on Twitter: @gerbil ) ----- S o, you've pilfered that debit card from your victim and you are seriously strapped for cash. Well, one way you could go about this would be to take a few trips to the supermarket, buying bits of shopping (under £20) and take advantage of the fucking awful "contactless...

Published Article in 2600 Magazine: My Voice Is My Key

Below is the second article that I had published in the Autumn 2015 issue of the awesome 2600 magazine. The idea behind the article was to provide an insight into how pliable people can be in order to help others and how they divulge information with everyday innocent chit-chat (this term is referred to as "Social Engineering").  Enjoy the read! gerbil (follow me on Twitter: @gerbil ) My Voice Is My Key. GerbilByte, 2015 So there I was. I was drafted in to work a second time for a small company (who again shall remain nameless, but for this article we will call the company Bumble Bee Internet Security Services) for several months. Again. As if I'd just copied-and-pasted this opening paragraph from my previous article ( Taking Your Work Home After Work, 2600 2014/15 Winter edition – buy the back issue if you've not got it ). This time though it was a much better company – I was basically drafted to penetrate the physical security of a co...