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Showing posts from May, 2017

Published Article in 2600 Magazine: Take Your Work Home After Work

Below is one of the first articles that I had published. It appeared in the Winter 2014 issue of 2600 Magazine, an awesome magazine that publishes awesome things. The idea behind the article was to provide an insight into mixing encrypted data into a normal .jpg image and pushing it through a firewall. Enjoy the read! gerbil (follow me on Twitter: @gerbil ) Taking Your Work Home After Work. GerbilByte, 2014 So there I was. I was drafted in to work for a small company (who shall remain nameless, but for this article we will call the company Bumble Bee Internet Security Services) for several months. At the end, as well as a juicy pay-check, I realised that I had written a load of little scripts that I wanted to keep. I zipped up my folder of goodies to email to myself and encrypted it for obvious reasons then attached it to an internal email to send it. DENIED! Bumble Bee Internet Security Services (BBISS from now on) was a company whose email sys...

Dissecting WannaCry

Below is  brief overview of the inner workings of WannaCry. It is by no means a complete indepth account of what it does, but the inquisitive will learn a little bit without touching any code debuggers. Enjoy the read! gerbil (follow me on Twitter: @gerbil ) Dissecting WannaCry Hi guys. Before I continue to bore you to death, just a few points: Firstly, before you read this page thinking you're going to unlock the mysteries of the world or even find the arc of the covenant, that isn't going to happen. This page is basically a reformatted version of a text dump, i.e. a few of my notes that I took when I examined WannaCry. And I'm not prepared to write an indepth, detailed account with them notes. So, that means it contains holes, either because I've missed it, didn't think it relevant (at the time), or because I was too lazy to include it, which is probably the main reason. I am only human after all! Cynics will probably read this document and ...